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Tuesday, 24 September 2013

RDP Clipboard not working - Solution

I've often faced this situation where my RDP settings have clipboard enabled to facilitate copy-paste feature while remotely connecting to a server but the functionality stops working all of a sudden.
I have often encountered this when the connection was lost during the copy-paste operations.

Why we face this issue is another topic, so I'd like to redirect you to this msdn link

Hope couple of you would have also faced similar situations.

Note: The clipboard redirection should be enabled for the server you are remotely connecting to. If the redirection is not enabled the following steps will not be of help. You will need to enable it through terminal services configuration.

First of all, always check your RDP settings to have clipboard checkbox ticked.

The process responsible for facilitating clipboard functionality while doing a remote desktop is rdpclip.exe.
This process might be unresponsive sometimes.

The way out is, to end this process and start it again as follows

In the Task manager of the RD connected server,

1. Open up task manager -> Processes tab -> Search for rdpclip.exe. Right-click and end this process.

2. Restart this process

Although this is a workaround to the problem, it does solve it.
I've still not able to get an exact reason for this issue though.

Although this should not happen frequently, but if it does happen every time then, 
you may want to create a .bat file with the command to kill the process and restart it.

1. Create a rdpclipboard.txt file
2. Add the following commands on separate lines
    Taskkill.exe /im rdpclip.exe
3. Save the file.
4. Change the extension of the file to rdpclipboard.bat.

You can have it on the quick lauch bar or the desktop. Double-click this bat file, to execute it.
Hope this helps.

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