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Thursday, 3 November 2022

Create and Execute React Js App



                                Node Js (


1.      Create a react app


C:\Your_Directory\>create-react-app <app_name_in_lowercase> 




C:\Your_Directory\> npx create-react-app <app_name_in_lowercase>



        This will seed a react app for you. This react app consists of all dependencies and a project folder structure as shown in the screenshot below

a.       public: This folder contains all the files which can be shared with other files in this project such as images, json files etc

b.       src: This folder is used for react js components and code development

c.       node_modules: This works like the npm’s local registry

d.       The files like .gitignore, package-lock.json, package.json are configuration files

a.       .gitignore: This file contains all the files that should be ignored in case you wish to push your project to github

b.       .package-lock.json, package.json: These files store the dependencies for the react app. In case the node_modules folder is deleted, it can be recovered if package.json is available. The command used to recover node_modules from package.json is

>npm install




2.      Executing a react app

C:\Your_Directory\> > npm start



a.       This hosts the react app on localhost at port 3000 by default

b.       To pull down this hosted app press on the command prompt Ctrl+C

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